How To Care For A Sinus Infection – Causes & Cure For Sinus

Sinus has become a very common disorder of the day. Millions suffer from this torturous problem all over the world. Its symptoms vary from case to case. There is excessive or constant sneezing, watering of the nose, blockage of one or both the nostrils, heaviness of head or headache. In some cases there could be one or many of the symptoms mentioned above. It makes the life of the patient miserable because of constant. Sneezing and at times due to complete congestion. Breathing becomes very difficult and the patient has to struggle for every breath. Due to regular blocking of the nose, voice is also affected. The chronic type of Sinus affects the voice badly.
In medical system of treatment, Sinus is regarded as a resultant state of allergy. Discuss try to find out the particular allergens to which the patient is allergic. Medicines and injections are given in accordance with the identified allergen for developing residence in the patients. It is very lengthy process and even then there is no certainty of curing the disorder. It is a common practice to advise the patients to avid using or contracting certain popularly known allergens, such as certain spices, flowers, perfumes, smoke, certain plants, certain animals and countless other such things. At times it becomes very difficult to find out what allergenic the individual is allergic to. The yogic system of treatment is very different from the medical system. Let me describe what we consider the causes and cure of this trouble.
Causes and Cure Of Sinus
From my experience in treating the patients of Sinus trouble at the Yoga Institute of Washington, U.S.A. and at the Indian Institute of Yoga, Patna, I have found that faulty diet is the primary cause of Sinus trouble. When an individual takes certain types of food of things to drink in a regular way, they in due time, have a great conditioning effect upon the whole bodily system. Those who keep taking such type of food or drink constantly, develop sensitivity in their body. As a result, some become more sensitive to certain types of allergens, whose reaction ultimately turns into Sinus. Let me elaborate this point. Many people are in habit of drinking water upon arising in the morning, some take water first, then tea or coffee, some take only coffee or tea. This drinking of tea or water on an empty stomach makes the bowel movement easy.
But it has been found that such people develop greater sensitivity to various things of their daily use and also to the environment they live in. Then there are people who eat fried things most of the time. This also in due time affects the digestive system and creates greater sensitivity. Some are in the habit of drinking milk either at the time of going to sleep during other times of the day. Regular use of milk in heavy doses also causes sensitivity. When a person takes the above mentioned items regularly, sensitivity becomes greater and he or she gets affected by various types of allergens which first turn into allergy and later on take the form of Sinus. In the yogic system of treatment, the main emphasis is on correcting the faulty diet. Patients are advised to take a balanced diet and to avoid certain items which are considered undesirable to eat only those foods which are considered good and healthy.
The Patient of Sinus Should Avoid the Following Items:
(i) Should stop taking bed-tea or drinking water getting up in the morning.
(ii) Should not drink milk at any time, though certain milk preparations can be taken at times.
(iii) Should avoid using perfume and hair oils with strong smell.
(iv) Should stop eating fried and roasted things.
(v) Should not eat butter or ghee regularly.
(vi) Should stop using spices of sharp flavor or hot spices.
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