Home Remedies For Constipation Causes Symptoms And Treatments

The most common disorder is, perhaps, constipation. Those leading an easy, sedate life in a city and consuming rich food are more prone to it than others.

Causes and Symptoms For Constipation

The main symptom of constipations the urge to void the stools but the inability to do so. If constipation continues for some time, it may lead to a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, and later, headaches, lethargy, loss of appetite, and total apathy. The inability of the intestines to expel the waste matter leads to putrefaction and flatulence. Constipation continuing over a long period may lead to distension of the stomach and severe discomfort.

Diet For Constipation

A patient suffering from chronic constipation should be advised to avoid starchy foods and take leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage, choli, stalk of mustard (sarsen ka saga); and fruits like musk melon, papaya, and mangoes. The patient should also take long walks and light exercise which will tone up his stomach muscles. A glass of water taken in the morning also helps in proper bowel habits.

Home Remedies For Constipation

In the absence of any organic observation, change of food habits is, perhaps, the ideal way to deal with constipation rather than the use of drugs of any kind. If the disorder is due to the habit of taking excessively spiced, fatty foods and highly refined cereals, the first step in dealing with constipation is to advise the patient to take light foods like milk, fruit juices, and boiled vegetables, and totally abstain from fats and refined foods. The patient should be advised to take sufficient amount of liquids—water, milk, and so on which reduce the dryness of the intestines.

Medicines For Constipation

In the case of children suffering from obstinate constipation, a suppository made of macerated leaves of harita manjari (Acalypha indica) should be introduced into the rectum. An alternative is a suppository made of the stalk of betel leaf and coated with castor oil. Or a poultice made of the leaves of kidamari (Aritolochia bracteate) should be applied over the abdomen of the child. The other remedies which tend to relieve constipation are: Powder of madhuka (liquorice root) taken with gur and water; decoction of akashbel (dodder); the pulp of the roots of arni (Clerodendrum phlomidia) taken with ghee; Isabgol (flea seed)—two heaped tablespoons—taken with milk or water; castor oil seeds in small doses; Senna, one part, and harada, half a part, finely powdered taken in oen gram doses thrice daily. Any one or a combination of the above may be tried.


If cases of chronic constipation, pills made with the following ingredients may be tried: Rosa Buds,Senna leaves,Pulp of amaltas, Harad, Pippali, Harada, Gur. If the constipation is associated with dry, hard, and lumpy stools, jhohar (Euphobia nerifolia) should be cooked as a pot herb and eaten before meals. Harada should be fried in ghee or castor oil and the powder made out of it should be taken with black salt. Other Standard medicines available in the market are: Swadishta Virechan, Lasuna Kshira, and Avipittakar Churna.

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