Neck Pain Causes And Cure – Yoga Exercises To Relieve Neck Pain

In medical terminology, neck pain affecting the cervical spine is called Cervical Spondylosis. This pain could be spread over to both sides of shoulders, the back side of the neck, the collar –bone and the shoulder joints. In certain cases, the pain might be in both the arms and also in the arms joints. In medical system of treatment the patients are give medicines, heat compression and collar on the neck. Though these medicinal aids provide some relief to the patients, they do not guarantee complete cure.

Being uncertain of their medicinal effect, it is nota uncommon for the medical man to advise their patients also to do some physical exercises for curing it. From our experience it has been found that such physical exercises. Less effective compared to yoga postures. This is evident from the face that whereas there is uncertainty of cure through physical exercise and medicines there is certainly of complete cure through yoga without any medicines. Before describing the yogic method of treatment, let me explain briefly the cause and cure of this ailment.

Cause and Cure Of Neck Pain

The causes of neck pain can be several. It could be due to regular use of a very high pillow under the head while sleeping. Another reason could be keeping the head bent in a particular posture for long hours instead of keeping it erect. It could also be due to rigidity of the muscles and nerves in the neck and shoulder areas which obstruct the proper circulation of blood.

Yoga Exercises To Relieve Neck Pain

(i) Taking proper diet,

(ii) Correcting the errors and faulty habits, and

(iii) Practicing some selected yoga asanas. Diet for the patients of neck pain is the same as recommended to Arthritic patients. The patients should take their diet as recommended therein. In order to obtain the full benefits of yoga, the patients. The patient should use a thin pillow while sleeping and should avoid excessive bending the neck. The rigidity of the muscles and the condition of defective circulation of blood will be automatically corrected through the practice of yoga.

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